Saturday, November 7, 2009

Build Your Own Solar Panels

So, you are interested in knowing how to generate power and reduce your electricity bills. You want to know how to build your own solar panels for free. Well as you probably know nothing in life is totally free. You would still have to purchase the materials to build the solar panels. 
So your project will not be free, but I have some suggestions on how you can build functional home solar power systems.

Do homemade solar panels work very well. Of course they do, if you build them the right way. Building these homemade solar cells that utilize deep cycle storage batteries can produce the electricity that you need. These solar powered homes can reduce dependence on the country’s energy grid.

By using the right solar system a person can reduce their energy bills as much as 80%? If you are like me, you would like to take advantage of such savings. But how do we decide on what is the right solar system to power our home?  What if we dream about living off the Grid? Well you have two options:
  1. Buy a solar system from a company that specializes in making solar panels and have if installed (it will cost a small fortune!) or 
  2. Make your own solar panel.

Make your own solar panel. You are probably thinking that would be too difficult but there are some very good guides that offer a lot of fantastic home made solar solutions. Lots of these solar systems can be built for less than $200.

You will want to find the right guide. A good guide will contain features such as:
  • Full and detailed instructions that can be easily understood by a layman or the unskilled for building homemade solar panels.
  • Video step by step instruction.
  • Details on how to obtain the components, available at your local hardware/building store, for preparing the home made solar system.
  • Tips on how to construct the alternative energy generators that are not readily available anywhere else.
  • One time investment and lifelong updates to the manual and video series, at no additional cost.
  • Full money back guarantee if you are not saving on your monthly energy bill after using the system for a few month.

The company providing the guide should have a history of excited customers who have positive reviews about the money they have saved and who can't believe how easy it was build the devices. If you are interested in a good DIY guide then visit the home solar power systems.

Think about it you wanted to know how to build your own solar panel for free! Well we know nothing is free but here you are with a homemade solar system, generating power that will be stored in deep cycle batteries for future consumption. And all of this will costs just pennies on the dollar! We all could use the extra money to pay for things like gasoline for our car!  

So if you are serious about wanting to build your own solar panels and interested in a good DIY guide then visit

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